For our room we are going with a new comfortor, lamp set, and curtains to match the room. We are replacing the carpet, but the new is just a darker shade of gray than what's pictured. We would also like to add closet organizers to the "his" and "her" closets to increase space.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Idea Board: Andrew's Room
So my 4 year old wants a superhero room. Luckily the room is already blue... so we don't have to paint this one, just some touch ups & new carpet. We have 4 characters: Spiderman, Ironman, Batman, & Transformers. So I decided the best way to tie them all together was with a standard blue comforter & curtains, and to get each character in a set of sheets and a huge 3' wall decal.
Idea Board: Ella's Room
So our daughter Ella is 17 months old. I've decided to stick with her current room theme of Winnie The Pooh even with the move, for a while longer. Eventually when we move her to a toddler bed, we'll switch it up, probably to Disney Princess. So the wall color & carpet we picked out was intended to compliment both...
It's finally done!
The approval is in! The loan process is over, now we just have to sign on a ton of dotted lines tomorrow morning at 11am... huge sigh of relief... Large weight was just lifted off my shoulders. Bouncing around the office like a lunitic, but I have every reason to!
Our Home Improvement To Do List
So I can barely sit still waiting on our lender's response (still). So I'm going to put together our to do list for (hopefully) this weekend once we close:
1. Paint Ella's Room, touchup Andrew's Room & Master Bed Room (Fri night & Sat)
2. "Remodel" front porch steps
3. Attach back deck to house (yeah that'd be a good idea...)
4. Replace Shower Heads
5. Replace bathroom fan
6. Program new garage door openers
7. Put up security system signs & decals
8. Change out door hardware
9. Tack down floor trim that has started to come up
10. Fix Ella's Closet Door
11. Patch whole in master bedroom from door nob
12. Install door stops...
13. Touch up any paint as needed
14. Install Programmable Thermostat
15. Install dryer vent
16. Install new double light switch in master bath
17. Install gutter run off tubing
18. Install basement door threshold seal
19. Install new ceiling fan in kitchen (before Adam hits his head...)
20. Carpet is being delivered next Thursday... Store furniture from bedrooms & living room in garage so we don't have to pay installers to move it...
And lastly, 21. Clean old house so buyer can move in.
1. Paint Ella's Room, touchup Andrew's Room & Master Bed Room (Fri night & Sat)
2. "Remodel" front porch steps
3. Attach back deck to house (yeah that'd be a good idea...)
4. Replace Shower Heads
5. Replace bathroom fan
6. Program new garage door openers
7. Put up security system signs & decals
8. Change out door hardware
9. Tack down floor trim that has started to come up
10. Fix Ella's Closet Door
11. Patch whole in master bedroom from door nob
12. Install door stops...
13. Touch up any paint as needed
14. Install Programmable Thermostat
15. Install dryer vent
16. Install new double light switch in master bath
17. Install gutter run off tubing
18. Install basement door threshold seal
19. Install new ceiling fan in kitchen (before Adam hits his head...)
20. Carpet is being delivered next Thursday... Store furniture from bedrooms & living room in garage so we don't have to pay installers to move it...
And lastly, 21. Clean old house so buyer can move in.
Waiting, as patiently as possible, with fingers crossed, deep in tought & prayer... again.
So yesterday evening the lender told me she'd taken everything we sent (again) to the underwriter (again) and that we should have some news this morning (again), hopefully an approval... not holding my breath (again)... just praying very hard that it happens today (again). I can't think of any more hoops, but I'm sure they can... as long as the hoop isn't on fire, we'll jump as fast as we can... but hypothetically, they should have everything... as far as we know (again).
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Just Recieved Shipping Confirmation...

Also, on they were having a huge sale, and we ordered a Serta 2" thick Memory Foam Matress Topper that came w/ 2 countour pillows for $89.99- had 5 star reviews from people with back & neck problems, and Adam and I both have bad backs and trouble sleeping...
My New Flat Iron Arrived!
So I had to order a new flat iron. My old one finally crapped out after 3 good years. My husband got it for me for Christmas our 2nd year of marriage, and it's been great- I've used it probably every day near about since then, and it did it's service. But the other day it blew- literally. Popped, sparked, and reaked of electrical smoke- unplugged very fast, and never plugged it back in. So I went to Sally Beauty's website to find a new one, and it came yesterday! I used it this morning and this thing is amazing... after all it's use the old one had gotten to where it took 15-20 minutes to straighten my hair, the new one takes less than 10! It had great reviews so I figured what the heck, and this one looks like it will keep my hair nice and straight for another 3 years (or more...)
They Picked Apart our Buyer's Agreement...
So first B of A picked apart our agreement with our buyer, and asked for a bunch of stuff to basically verify the agreement... then turned around and said we can't use the contract agreement, since we still hold the mortgage (and the mortgage is with them) so we have to do a renter's agreement. They are all worried about a "Buy and Bail"... we're going to make the payment, we could make the payment if we didn't have a buyer, and my credit has been perfect since it started, and I'm not about to screw it up now by bailing on a mortgage. So we've provided them with a renter's agreement... Also had to resend copies of our buyer/renter's (whatever) check stub and driver's license... had to lighten up the license for them, and it was easier to just resend the check stub vs waiting on them to dig for it.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
The Waiting Game...
Still no close, after we were told we should have our approval Monday, Oct 26th and be able to close that same day. I sent 3 emails in the past 24 hours asking for a timeframe or update, and got no response. I call and am able to get through, though she sounds ticked off to even hear from me, and I just get a flat, rather rude no to my questions, no additional info, but then she says, “oh wait, there is something…” She says they need the contract from our current home sale notarized—IT IS notarized, are they blind? And before we turned the contract in to them, she told us it didn't need to be notarized, just signed, but we went ahead and had it notarized anyways... So she’ll check with them and call us back… so the waiting game continues.
Monday, October 26, 2009
New Decor for Family Room/Den
We have an email shop here at work, and a coworker was selling some never used, JC Penney Home drapes w/ matching throw pillows, just what I need for the new family room! Now, if we can just close tonight...
Friday, October 23, 2009
The Bank Said Monday!
So they actually said they should have the approval Monday... fingers crossed. They got the appraisal back today, and I had to send two things for the underwriters, which I sent... so they said they should have everything done and to the attorney's office Monday for us to close! I sure hope so!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Another Update...
Still no close set in stone. The processor working through the weekend didn't stop the file from coming back from the underwriters with more issues & needing more documents... We're hoping for tomorrow, but it's looking dim. They are still waiting on one comparable home & a comment from the appraiser that the utilities were on at the time of the appraisal... they did call the appraiser today to try and expidite things again... they had ordered it rush on Tuesday... will we have a house this week?
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Oct 19 at 4:45 pm...
I recieved some clerification. The file went to the underwriters yesterday... apparently the loan processor worked Saturday to go over the file and make sure everything was in check so it doesn't come back from the underwriters needing something else... I finally spoke with management since I couldn't reach my processor and expressed my concern about resending information so much, and also that we have a 7 day extension that is up Thursday. So she said we need to close by then, and she understands that. She said the underwriters take anywhere from 24-48 hours depending on the size of the file & conditions that had to be met... yada yada yada. So we may hear something today, but more likely tomorrow. We are aiming to close tomorrow evening at 5:00pm. Everything cross fingers, toes, eyes... anything you can cross, cross it. And while you are crossing everything say a little prayer that God lets this all end happily ever after!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Nightmare Timeline
So I've pulled my emails and items I've faxed, and created a timeline of this monsterous nightmare with B of A. They switched processors on us less than 2 weeks before our original scheduled close, and it has been rediculous ever since, and has just totally screwed us. I have had to resend things, and have received conflicting information left and right. We have a 7 day extension to close - so by Thursday.
October 2nd: Received email from Lori Smith stating she’d be taking over our account, and would like to have a chance to speak with me for a few moments. Respond to email.
October 5th: Send Lori an update- still no response since initial email October 2nd.
October 6th: Sending Lori another email, still no response. Leave phone message to return call.
October 8th: Still no communication from Lori since the initial email she sent Oct 2nd. Call customer service, they leave her a physical message. Realtor has also emailed originator (Kevin Barton) who has also left her a message asking her to touch base with me. Also, I sent her another email update regarding gift.
October 9th: Finally receive proof that Lori exists with an email outlining that we need to provide MORE documentation for the underwriters—we are 6 days away from our contract scheduled closing. Go to Alfa Insurance to sign loan documents. Receive phone call from Alfa that she did get in touch Lori (before I did) and had faxed over the insurance information to her.
October 12th: Receive the bank statement from my dad a little late on our end- sent it over right away at 9:44 am. Dad found it a little redundant to need a bank statement for a cashier’s check, so he didn’t send it initially thinking that check was as good as cash.
October 13th: Statement from father did not have name/address info- got a corrected statement, and sent it to Lori 1:55 p.m.
October 14th: Emailed Lori asking if we were on track to close on time: Oct 15 @ 5PM according to our purchase contract.
October 14th: (1 day before scheduled closing—Sellers arrive today from out of State) Receive forward from Realtor (who emailed others since I had not heard from processor again) that Loan Originator does not have an update from processor yet, attorney has left numerous messages/emails as well regarding the loan status to close on time.
October 14th: At 8:20 pm I receive another required FHA document to sign, that I had already sent once before. NOTE: I received this document AGAIN on October 19 to sign and fax back…
October 15th: Receive word from processor they will not make closing. Need to ask for extension. Informs me that FHA loans take anywhere from 45-60 days to process- our application date was August 23rd. Receive 7 day extension for closing.
October 15th: Receive an email from Kevin that they are waiting on 2 more 3rd party items and are hoping to have everything ready by Friday (October 16).
October 16th: Receive email from Lori stating they have received everything they needed (insurance {had already been sent once Oct 9th, this was the 2nd time sending it} & employment verification for Adam). I emailed her back that we did receive the extension. Receive another email back with yet another required FHA document (termite letter) that needs my signature.
October 16th: Email is sent at 7:30 am to Realtors & attorney’s office that they need 48 hours. I receive the same information from lender, after already being told by realtor, that they are expediting the file and it will take 48 hours.
October 19th: Receive email from realtor asking when we can reschedule closing. Email Lori for update. Receive forward from Trudie (still no direct response from Lori) that they STILL have the final conditions to sign off on and it will take MINIMUM 48 hours but she will TRY to expedite my file. (Friday they were expediting the file, and it was to take 48 hours from that point- according to her email, there was no indication nothing would happen until Monday.) She even told me she’d be in the office Saturday if I needed her…
Also, she sent an email to me & the agents stating she needed more documents signed (NOTE entry from October 14th- it was this same document.) She also stated she had emailed the attorney to send her the insurance information that she had told me she had already received on October 16th. This would be the 3rd time of her obtaining the insurance information again.
As of 4:35 pm still no response to my email sent this morning or realtor email sent this afternoon... inquired on when items were sent to underwriters, as we were told 48 hours Friday morning, and she said she had everything... apparently between then and now she lost some things, b/c she needed more things sent to her this morning, and said it'd be minimum 48 hours from today... we need to reschedule closing asap, as we only had a 7 day extension from last Thursday.
October 27: Still no close, after we were told we should have our approval Monday, Oct 26th and be able to close that same day. I sent 3 emails in the past 24 hours asking for a timeframe or update, and got no response. I call and am able to get through, and just get a flat no to my questions, no additional info, but then she say, “oh wait, there is something…” She says they need the contract from our current home sale notarized—IT IS notarized, are they blind? So she’ll check with them and call us back…
October 2nd: Received email from Lori Smith stating she’d be taking over our account, and would like to have a chance to speak with me for a few moments. Respond to email.
October 5th: Send Lori an update- still no response since initial email October 2nd.
October 6th: Sending Lori another email, still no response. Leave phone message to return call.
October 8th: Still no communication from Lori since the initial email she sent Oct 2nd. Call customer service, they leave her a physical message. Realtor has also emailed originator (Kevin Barton) who has also left her a message asking her to touch base with me. Also, I sent her another email update regarding gift.
October 9th: Finally receive proof that Lori exists with an email outlining that we need to provide MORE documentation for the underwriters—we are 6 days away from our contract scheduled closing. Go to Alfa Insurance to sign loan documents. Receive phone call from Alfa that she did get in touch Lori (before I did) and had faxed over the insurance information to her.
October 12th: Receive the bank statement from my dad a little late on our end- sent it over right away at 9:44 am. Dad found it a little redundant to need a bank statement for a cashier’s check, so he didn’t send it initially thinking that check was as good as cash.
October 13th: Statement from father did not have name/address info- got a corrected statement, and sent it to Lori 1:55 p.m.
October 14th: Emailed Lori asking if we were on track to close on time: Oct 15 @ 5PM according to our purchase contract.
October 14th: (1 day before scheduled closing—Sellers arrive today from out of State) Receive forward from Realtor (who emailed others since I had not heard from processor again) that Loan Originator does not have an update from processor yet, attorney has left numerous messages/emails as well regarding the loan status to close on time.
October 14th: At 8:20 pm I receive another required FHA document to sign, that I had already sent once before. NOTE: I received this document AGAIN on October 19 to sign and fax back…
October 15th: Receive word from processor they will not make closing. Need to ask for extension. Informs me that FHA loans take anywhere from 45-60 days to process- our application date was August 23rd. Receive 7 day extension for closing.
October 15th: Receive an email from Kevin that they are waiting on 2 more 3rd party items and are hoping to have everything ready by Friday (October 16).
October 16th: Receive email from Lori stating they have received everything they needed (insurance {had already been sent once Oct 9th, this was the 2nd time sending it} & employment verification for Adam). I emailed her back that we did receive the extension. Receive another email back with yet another required FHA document (termite letter) that needs my signature.
October 16th: Email is sent at 7:30 am to Realtors & attorney’s office that they need 48 hours. I receive the same information from lender, after already being told by realtor, that they are expediting the file and it will take 48 hours.
October 19th: Receive email from realtor asking when we can reschedule closing. Email Lori for update. Receive forward from Trudie (still no direct response from Lori) that they STILL have the final conditions to sign off on and it will take MINIMUM 48 hours but she will TRY to expedite my file. (Friday they were expediting the file, and it was to take 48 hours from that point- according to her email, there was no indication nothing would happen until Monday.) She even told me she’d be in the office Saturday if I needed her…
Also, she sent an email to me & the agents stating she needed more documents signed (NOTE entry from October 14th- it was this same document.) She also stated she had emailed the attorney to send her the insurance information that she had told me she had already received on October 16th. This would be the 3rd time of her obtaining the insurance information again.
As of 4:35 pm still no response to my email sent this morning or realtor email sent this afternoon... inquired on when items were sent to underwriters, as we were told 48 hours Friday morning, and she said she had everything... apparently between then and now she lost some things, b/c she needed more things sent to her this morning, and said it'd be minimum 48 hours from today... we need to reschedule closing asap, as we only had a 7 day extension from last Thursday.
October 27: Still no close, after we were told we should have our approval Monday, Oct 26th and be able to close that same day. I sent 3 emails in the past 24 hours asking for a timeframe or update, and got no response. I call and am able to get through, and just get a flat no to my questions, no additional info, but then she say, “oh wait, there is something…” She says they need the contract from our current home sale notarized—IT IS notarized, are they blind? So she’ll check with them and call us back…
Friday, October 16, 2009
So we didn't close on time...
Suprise, suprise. The horror stories people have heard about Bank of America Home Loans are true... we did not close last night. When I spoke to the processor yesterday, she even asked me "when was your contract date set to close?" And I was like "TODAY!" ... Then she throws out the cover-their-butt crap of oh, well FHA loans take anywhere from 45-60 days to close... so here we are... no house yet. One of the faculty in my office just bought her house not too long ago, and got an FHA loan, and her mortgage company worked very well to get it done in 30 days... B of A is very backed up and short staffed right now... but it's just frustrating, as I know we can qualify for this loan. Our house we're in now is sold on contract, it's not like we'll be making two payments, even though we could if we had to, so we can definately handle the new one. But she sent an email this morning- they now have what they needed, however the underwriters have to provide the final approval based on the conditions we provided, and apparently they need another 48 hours... so no painting this weekend, Adam won't get the cable run either... we might have to push everything back a week... painting, carpet, movers, our buyer moving in... everything was tightly scheduled based on the closing date. And our sellers are here from out of state, so I can promise you they are even less happy than we are. I'm just ready for it to end already... happily ever after...
Thursday, October 15, 2009
3 hours and counting... and still waiting!
3 hours until closing... and we're still waiting on the lender... I just had to call the attorney's office to give them the insurance agent's info - apparently they & the lender both still need that... UGH. And waiting on word from the lender- we're hanging on an employment verification... Adam's old company told them the wrong termination date... he left there in March of 08, but they said December of 07... wrong again. So again, we're waiting on the lender. We started this process back in August, and this is rediculous. This stuff should have been done weeks ago.
I'm scheduled to leave work at 4:00 so I can get the cashier's check (need to know how much- again waiting on the lender...) and make it to the attorneys office to close- I HOPE.
I'm scheduled to leave work at 4:00 so I can get the cashier's check (need to know how much- again waiting on the lender...) and make it to the attorneys office to close- I HOPE.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
After all that... we're back on schedule
So the attorney's office was able to get another attorney to cover for them... we're back on schedule for tomorrow, 10/15 at 5:00. Fingers crossed that nothing else goes off track. Just called B of A and spoke with someone in customer service, who left a message for my processor, who was on a long lunch when my loan isn't done and we're supposed to close tomorrow (LOL), and she also spoke with her manager... I hope her manager notices how much this processor has not been in close contact with us... we've been left hanging up to one day before closing on the status of our loan, and we need to know how much $$$ to bring to closing.
But if all goes as plan, we'll be going by the home depot this weekend to start fixing up our new home! On the agenda: painting Ella's room, securing the back deck, running cable, fixing up some little things like the trim that has started to come up with the house being empty for so long.
And one day next week, probably Thursday, CARPET! Then the following weekend: MOVING DAY!
But if all goes as plan, we'll be going by the home depot this weekend to start fixing up our new home! On the agenda: painting Ella's room, securing the back deck, running cable, fixing up some little things like the trim that has started to come up with the house being empty for so long.
And one day next week, probably Thursday, CARPET! Then the following weekend: MOVING DAY!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Screaming with Impatience
So the attorney needs to move closing... to either tomorrow or Monday. Well, I'm all for tomorrow if the lender can get it together. We are ready! Monday, does not work for me. I was counting on this weekend to paint Ella's room before the new carpet & the move... and they are NOT screwing me on this. The sellers are coming from out of town- in fact they were supposed to get in today, so I'm hoping they also would rather do Wednesday, than have to stick around until Monday... realtor said it shouldn't be a problem with us switching the utilities until Thursday since that was the original date & we can't do it until then b/c we both have to work. Plus we told our buyer we'd be most of the way out by the 30th so he could have his new furniture delivered... Now if B of A can just get their arses together, lets get this over with already!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Four More Days (and counting)
Welp, unofficially we've got everything to the bank. They are closed today for Columbus Day, so no update yet. But I sent over the last document they said they needed today... so hopefully tomorrow I'll get the final word on the approval and make it official. Four days until we close! Almost home... literally.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
One More Week...
We are almost there... and it seems like everything is crumbling around us... I just hope we make it to close on time! It has been 5 days since they switched processors on us, and I still haven't heard from her other than the initial "they switched processors" email shen sent... so after sending 3 emails, calling 4 times & leaving a voice mail once, I called customer service... the lady I spoke with promised to deliver the message to my processor personally. She said she's probably still learning the file, but being a week away from closing, she needs to get in touch with me to make sure we are on track... Yup, that's what I said! LOL Gave her my work number, said I'd be here until 5:00 pm... I hope to get a returned phone call today, but I was just glad I was able to talk to a HUMAN.
On to the next negative attribute to our situation... my brakes on my car are bad. All 4 pads & rotors, we're talking $700... they had to flush the line b/c they got so hot the brake fluid boiled... yes boiled. And I wouldn't be so livid had I not just had it in at the dealership 2-3 weeks ago for a full service, including... drum roll please... a brake inspection! There is no way they even looked at my brakes, b/c this couldn't have been overlooked. I'm on my way home yesterday, and all of a sudden my brakes start grinding horribly... I thought I noticed a small grinding sound that morning, but I mean this was terrible. So we took it some where close- the dealership is 30 minutes away... just to find out $700 that we don't need to spend right now is going to have to go towards our one and only vehicle that gets me and my kids from point A to B. Great. B-e-a-u-tiful.
I'm currently in contact with the dealership via email- I called and he said if we had brought it to him he would have taken care of it, had it been their screw up... told him we had to take it somewhere close, it was too dangerous to drive that far... he said he would have paid to have it towed... well it's too late for that now ding dong, the other place is half way done! I've emailed him & the owner, I really think they need to do something to rectify this situation... b/c it wouldn't have gotten this bad if they'd have just done their job.
UPDATE: My emails were ignored by the dealership regarding my breaks... didn't bother to persue it further, and so life goes on.
On to the next negative attribute to our situation... my brakes on my car are bad. All 4 pads & rotors, we're talking $700... they had to flush the line b/c they got so hot the brake fluid boiled... yes boiled. And I wouldn't be so livid had I not just had it in at the dealership 2-3 weeks ago for a full service, including... drum roll please... a brake inspection! There is no way they even looked at my brakes, b/c this couldn't have been overlooked. I'm on my way home yesterday, and all of a sudden my brakes start grinding horribly... I thought I noticed a small grinding sound that morning, but I mean this was terrible. So we took it some where close- the dealership is 30 minutes away... just to find out $700 that we don't need to spend right now is going to have to go towards our one and only vehicle that gets me and my kids from point A to B. Great. B-e-a-u-tiful.
I'm currently in contact with the dealership via email- I called and he said if we had brought it to him he would have taken care of it, had it been their screw up... told him we had to take it somewhere close, it was too dangerous to drive that far... he said he would have paid to have it towed... well it's too late for that now ding dong, the other place is half way done! I've emailed him & the owner, I really think they need to do something to rectify this situation... b/c it wouldn't have gotten this bad if they'd have just done their job.
UPDATE: My emails were ignored by the dealership regarding my breaks... didn't bother to persue it further, and so life goes on.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Scheduled: Final Walk Through
Well, the sellers were supposed to finish up the repairs & hopefully the cleaning over the weekend. Our final walk through/carpet measure will be Friday! Less than 2 weeks until closing! We're almost home!
Over the weekend: we packed up both of the kids rooms almost completely. Got rid of the toddler furniture & got Andrew's new matress w/ some batman and transformer sheets. Hit the jackpot this weekend- we have a Blockbuster store right by the house that is closing, and we found some transformer room decor for next to nothing (another large wall sticker for $3.99- mind you I paid $20 a piece for the others...), some other little wall decals for a couple bucks, and an Optimus Prime bobble head.
And even in all the crazy packing clutter, I managed to clean the house up somewhat... swept the floors, straightened the rooms as well as I could, and cleaned the kitchen & bathrooms, which all really needed it!
Over the weekend: we packed up both of the kids rooms almost completely. Got rid of the toddler furniture & got Andrew's new matress w/ some batman and transformer sheets. Hit the jackpot this weekend- we have a Blockbuster store right by the house that is closing, and we found some transformer room decor for next to nothing (another large wall sticker for $3.99- mind you I paid $20 a piece for the others...), some other little wall decals for a couple bucks, and an Optimus Prime bobble head.
And even in all the crazy packing clutter, I managed to clean the house up somewhat... swept the floors, straightened the rooms as well as I could, and cleaned the kitchen & bathrooms, which all really needed it!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
New Home Update
So it's about time for an update... we've almost gotten the lenders everything they need... I will never do this again - not kidding... We will either live in this house until we die or we will live in an old people's home!
All I have left to get them is the gift info from dad, proof of insurance on the house (which my insurance agent is getting everything together), & provide proof of cash to close (got my annual leave payout from the old job yesterday, woot!) Seriously hope they don't ask for anything else...
So I spoke with the insurance agent today- she is going out to take pictures of the house. Also she did tell us we'll have to get a different type of policy on Benton (our current home we're selling on contract.) So she's putting together a quote on both houses & car insurane, b/c we'll get a discount. We'll see if it comes out cheaper than our current car insurance, eh?
I have just recently sold a few items on craigslist and am very proud of my success. So far I've made $175 on the things the kids have outgrown, and that we needed to get rid of before we moved. I've gotten rid of Andrew's toddler furniture (all of it!), all of Ella's old clothes that she's outgrown (accept her summer stuff b/c it's still warm enough during the day for most of it), and the baby Exersaucer! Still trying to get rid of an infant swing, walker, carseat, all of Andrew's old baby clothes, bottles, and a jumperoo. More money to use on the new house! Woo hoo!
All I have left to get them is the gift info from dad, proof of insurance on the house (which my insurance agent is getting everything together), & provide proof of cash to close (got my annual leave payout from the old job yesterday, woot!) Seriously hope they don't ask for anything else...
So I spoke with the insurance agent today- she is going out to take pictures of the house. Also she did tell us we'll have to get a different type of policy on Benton (our current home we're selling on contract.) So she's putting together a quote on both houses & car insurane, b/c we'll get a discount. We'll see if it comes out cheaper than our current car insurance, eh?
I have just recently sold a few items on craigslist and am very proud of my success. So far I've made $175 on the things the kids have outgrown, and that we needed to get rid of before we moved. I've gotten rid of Andrew's toddler furniture (all of it!), all of Ella's old clothes that she's outgrown (accept her summer stuff b/c it's still warm enough during the day for most of it), and the baby Exersaucer! Still trying to get rid of an infant swing, walker, carseat, all of Andrew's old baby clothes, bottles, and a jumperoo. More money to use on the new house! Woo hoo!
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